
Beautiful mess …

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Life can be complicated, WE can complicate life … feelings of despair, hopelessness and self-pity fall on us like an unseen dark, damp, cloying mist – settling over our souls, threatening our balanced perspectives of life and stealing our joy  …

Sometimes, there is no ‘easy fix’ for these unsettling feelings, however, it is for a season only and we need to push through and endure as best we can. These are a few strategies which may help you cope better with the situation:

  • ensure that you are eating healthy, nutritious foods
  • get out the house – walk, run, swim … get your body moving
  • talk your feelings over with a family member, friend or mentor
  • take a break – ask a reliable person to take your kids for an hour or so
  • breathe deeply
  • count your blessings – record all that you are grateful for that day

Here is a list of a few ‘simple joys’ that may perk you up on a ‘messy’ day:

  • freshly cut flowers
  • coffee and cake with a dear friend
  • relaxing, scented bath
  • pray, worship, journal

Push through, strengthen your resolve to be grateful for the season you are in … my Mother’s advice (and now mine to my kids) comes to mind … ‘this too will pass’ – and dear friend it does!

We are ALL messy … weather the storm, stay anchored and you will come out the other side a stronger person.

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