
5 Easy Baking Preparation Ideas

Time to enjoy a coffee and cake …

When it comes to baking I like to waste as little time as possible with things like cutting baking paper to fit tins and looking for the beater part of my hand beater!

Here are 5 great baking prep ideas that help me make the best use of my time:

  1. Avoid having to circle your tins on baking paper and having to cut out each time you wish to bake a cake – cut a template out of cardboard for all your tin sizes and keep this handy to use.
  2. Use the template to cut out a few circle liners for all your tin sizes – keep them in your drawer to whip out and use at any time.
  3. Keep your beater inserted into your beater ready to beat on demand!
  4. Freeze the liners from butter tubs – there is always a thin coating of butter on these liners when you remove them from the tub, rather than discard, throw them into a container in your fridge and use to grease cake tins.
  5. Keep a cup measure in each of your baking ingredient jars – ready to measure out your ingredients.

I hope that you find these ideas useful …

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