
5 Essential Bible reading & studying resources


As Christian women, wives and Mum’s, Bible reading and studying is an essential part of our everyday lives. Here are my 5 essential resources which ensure that I read and study with understanding and insight:

  1. Blue Letter Bible App – my ‘go to’ resource when reading the Bible – by simply tapping on the verse you are reading, you have access to commentaries, concordance, dictionary, translation comparison and cross references. My commentary of choice is always David Guzik – sound, biblically based information.
  2. YouVersion Bible App – this App is so versatile, it provides a passage a day, various Bible reading plans and a few other really great resources. I am currently following the ‘Chapter a Day’ plan – this suits my life style and allows me to deep dive chapter by chapter rather than rushing through a number of chapters in one sitting.
  3. Scripture Writing Plans – my favourite source for this plan is from Mercy is New. I am currently writing and praying through the book of James.
  4. The Bible Project videos – these provide an overview of each book of the Bible. For those of you who like me are ‘visual’ learners, you will love watching these videos.
  5. Various translations of the Bible – yes, it may seem obvious, but cross referencing scripture to scripture is one of the most sound ways of studying the Word of God.

God’s Word is life changing – it instructs and guides our daily walk with the Lord – how encouraging and comforting to know that we have this awesome resource for life right at our finger tips!

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